RP3 Three – Phase Power Controller

The RP3 power controller is a contactless three-phase power energy electronic device which includes a thyristor connector and an electronic gate triggering system. (GTS)

This power controller allows the control of the power delivered from a three-phase voltage source to an electrical energy load in function of the control signal input. The RP3 power controller is destined for three-phase actuators with resistance or resistance-inductance loads in control systems and automatic temperature control.


• Contactless power switching on.
• For power control of resistive and inductive load.
• Output current up to 450 A.
• Signaling of incorrect phase sequence.
• Signalling of fuse damages.
• Trigger decelerati on of “soft start “ type.
• Control of the initi al trigger angle value.
• Load current limitati on.
• Trigger stoppage by an external signal.
• Alarming relay outputs.
• Control by an impulse, continuous or potentiometric signal.
• Phase, impulse, on/off control.