Three Phase Power Network Parameters Analyser

The ND1 Power Quality Analyzer is destined for the measurement and analysis of 3-phase, 3 or 4-wire power network parameters, in balanced or unbalanced systems.


Product received also the prestigious award EUROPEAN MEDAL, which is granted for products, that fulfill legally required standards, appropriate licenses and patents enabling their sale on the European market. Data recorded by the ND1 analyser provide information for costs control systems and optimization o device operation in power energy installations and industrial systems.

The device design unites in itself the function of 5 instruments:

  • analyser of 3-phase network parameters,
  • universal measuring transducer,
  • recorder of measuring data,
  • web server – possible an easy remote monitoring of measuring and archival
  • data  through the internet browser
  • controller – automatic control of electric energy key parameters.

The ND1 analyser-recorder is characterized by following features:

Measurement and recording of electric energy quality parameters acc. to the EN 50160 standard, over 300 other parameters of 3-phase power networks, i.e.:

  • phase voltages U1, U2, U3 and line currents I1, I2, I3,
  • phase-to-phase voltages U12, U23, U31,
  • phase active powers P1, P2, P3,
  • phase reactive powers Q1, Q2, Q3,
  • phase apparent powers S1, S2, S3,
  • active power factors PF1, PF2, PF3,
  • reactive/active power factors tgj1, tgj2, tgj3,
  • mean phase-to-phase voltage US Umf,
  • current in neutral wire and mean 3-phase current IO, IS,
  • 3-phase active, reactive and apparent powers P,Q,S,
  • mean 3-phase power factors PF, tgj,
  • frequency f and frequency deviations,
  • 15-minutes’ mean active power PAV,
  • 3-phase active, reactive and apparent energy EnP, EnQ, EnS,
  • active, reactive and apparent energy from an external counter EnPz, EnQz, EnSz,
  • THD for phase and current voltages,
  • harmonics of currents and phase voltages up to the 51st,
  • storage of minimal and maximal values,
  • recording of drops and voltage decays.

Data Recording

  •   Replaceable external  CompactFlash memory  of 4 GB capacity,
  •   Data storage in the internal 6 MB buffer with data supporting (before and after emergency states),
  •   Recording of  decays and voltage drops acc. to the EN 50160 standard,
  •   Recording of selected measured parameters.

User’s Interface – GUI

  •   LCD TFT 5,7”, 320 x 240 pixels color screen, with touch screen panel,
  •   Casing protection grade from the frontal side: IP65
  •   Dedicated visualization in the shape of: digital displays, analog views, bargraphs, harmonic charts, vector diagrams, statistics, logic inputs
  •   Programming of the analyzer visualization ( selection of the measured quantity  and kind of presentation),
  •   Contextual help in the user’s configuration menu.


  • Ethernet 10 Base-T, Modbus TCP/IP,
  • USB 1.1 Device,
  • RS-485 Modbus Slave.