DT400 Wireless HART™ Density Transmitter

The DT400 WH is a density transmitter with Wireless HART™ digital communication, Version 7 HART, designed for continuous density and concentration measurement of liquids, directly on industrial processes.


DT400 WH transmitter enables in real time monitoring of density, concentration and level of industrial processes interfaces.

DT400 WH is available in two types: the industrial model  for general processes and the sanitary model for applications in food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Both models can be installed online or directly in tanks, for being adequate for static and dynamic fluids.

Several measurement units can be configured by the user such as: g/cm³, kg/m³, ºBrix, °Baumé, ºPlato, ºGL, ºINPM, ºAPI, % of Solids, % of Concentration, etc. Due to its versatility and great measurement precision, besides the ease of installation, configuration and maintenance these transmitters can be applied in practically every industrial processes.

The local adjustment of the equipment is carried out through the magnetic screwdriver and with configuration tools like HPC401 and CONF401 it is possible to calibrate, monitor and visualize diagnostics remotely. It uses primary 3,6 V Litium batteries (LI-SOCI2), totalizing 7.2 V.