VPO10-Profibus-PA to Output Convereter

VPO10 is a three-channel output converter, where the user can choose the actuation in current (4-20 mA) or discrete output with open collector (maximum current 400mA, 24 Vdc), which guarantees great application versatility.
 It can be configured using EDDL and DTM-based tools available in the market or locally using a magnetic tool.
VPO10 is a converter that provides the easy connection of end elements such as control valve positioners and other final control elements to the Profibus systems. VPO10 generates, in proportion to the Profibus-PA setpoint signals, 4-20 mA outputs, via analog output funciotn blocks (AO), or allows actuations via open collector to the loads.                                                                                                                                                             The converter is powered from 9 to 32 Vdc via bus and uses the Profibus PA communication protocol for configuration, calibration, monitoring and diagnostics.
 It provides cost reduction of installation and design through the availability of three independent channels of current / open collector per converter.





  • Makes easier  the integration of Output HART devices / 4-20mA (for example, valve positioner) into Profibus network
  • Easy configuration of Outputs: current or open collector
  • Cost reduction of installation and design through the availability of three independent channels of current / open collector per converter
  • Self-diagnosis
  • 5 digits LCD, rotary multifunctional and with bargraph
  • Intuitive local adjustment, configurable and with fast editing function.